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HORIZONS, a famous US dining spot in the South!

„HORIZONS" of the Appalachian mountains

- A champion of innovative dining adventures -

Chatting with guests and visitors from across the entire Continent, we earned an impression, that this kind of dining and entertainment haven represents a particular, and very exclusive level which is rarely existing anywhere else in the United States."Horizons" is unique! A melting pot of the best domestic and international working forces in the field of gourmet gastronomy, service and entertainment.A jewel of North Carolina in the Appalachian area!

Our first picture shows the hotel of Grove Park Inn, in the past, when it had 180 rooms only and a hibernation period of months every year, when life here stopped.

The second one would show the „grown up" hotel, with 1100 beds, two huge wings, garages, pools, etc..
But....It is a sketch only...Why? Because it’s landscape isn’t actual anymore! Look!...

The trees, you see on the yard between the two, embracing wings of the hotel are not existing anymore. On their site a giant Spa was built. The lion share of installation, basins, waterfalls, side rooms, saunas, suntan rooms, cubicles, found their labyrinth like, immense location on 3 levels deeply under the hotel, in the stomach of the hill, where the Grove Park Inn is residing.

On the right wing’s top floor of hotel on the sketch is the home of „HORIZONS". Evenings 50-60 guests are dining there and its menu frequently changes, the dishes are innovative, and the young and dynamic kitchen staff years by years are harvesting the awards of domestic and International organizations.

Similarly impressive the consistence of the service team. On the group snapshot, below, Rácz Gabi, Hungarian boy from Szeged stands up front

besides him Jaroslaw, the new Czech waiter, right from him Mark, a friendly Canadian Frenchman. The entire team of the „Horizons" Service is well trained and professional acting under the savvy guidance of Maitre D’ - Restaurant managers Suel and Erich.

Sandy the bartender is mixing all the goodies for the guests.

HORIZONS stocks up a huge variety of wines, even African or Australian brands also, and Suel is presently weighing to import some Tokaji Aszu, as a missing item from the list...

At the piano, a Grove Park Inn fixture since 1979, seats the author of this article,

with a repertoire „from Bach to Bacharach" as the ads are telling. Besides him and Rácz Gabi more 5-6 Hungarians are working continuously in the Hotel, also Czech and Polish forces, and Mexicans, from India, or Wales. The Grove Park Inn is a real melting pot of various Nations, thanks to the clever and liberal labor philosophy of the ownership.


A cikk angol nyelvű ismertető arról, hogy az USÁ-ban a North- Carolina hegyvidékének festői tájain épült Grove Park Inn Rezort és Spa ma már nemcsak Amerika legrenomésabb szálloda-komplexumainak egyike, de a nemzetközi és hazai szervezetek évről évre tüntetik ki „csillagaikkal" és „gyémántjaikkal" exkluzív „HORIZONS" éttermét, ahol kormányzók, külföldi kormánytagok és hírességek fordulnak meg, és ahol e sorok írója szórakoztatja 21 év óta a vendégeket. A pincérek csoportképének előterében a szegedi Rácz Gabi látható, aki szorgalma és pontossága miatt a Ház kedvence, de rajta kívül még sok más magyar is dolgozik a szállodában, egyidejűleg mindig legalább 6-7. Egy idő múltán aztán Magyarországról mindig újak érkeznek. A hotel alatt most 31 millió dolláros költséggel 3 emeletnyi, a hegy mélyébe „süllyesztett", az otthoni Lukács- és Széchenyi-fürdők technikájához hasonló, ám azoknál sokszorta modernebb therápiás fürdők, uszoda,és szaunák stb. létesülnek, ahová például az ízületi panaszokkal küszködők gyógyításához használatos iszapot Magyarországról fogják beszerezni.

Pagony Lajos

2000. augusztus 27., vasárnap 00:00

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